welcome to my page. how are you today?

allow me to introduce myself.

you're likely unfamiliar with who i am or what i do. but i'll do my very best to explain who i am and my hobbies throughout this reading. i'll try not to talk too much about what is likely uninteresting.

i'm jakanz (she/her), an internet microcelebrity only capable of basic tasks. if you're a hardcore primus or soad fan, you may be familiar with some concert footage archives i've put on my youtube channel:

if it isn't obvious enough, i have a bit of a relationship between me and internet archivism. i tend to archive old tapes of events like concerts or major tragedies, which includes 9/11. i've made my fair share of relatively important archives of this event, especially of those hard to find anywhere else:

other than internet archivism, i also like to speedrun random games and try to get as many world records as much as possible. i wont link them here, but you can view them on my speedrun.com page.

speaking of gaming, i also like to casually play CS2 and minecraft, although i sometimes play other games like tower unite and gtav. however, when i'm not doing any of the above hobbies like gaming or archiving, i'm usually working on coding projects, such as the website you're on right now.

if you're interested in my other projects, please visit my github page or click its project link below:

jakabot, a discord bot that just does random shit (still in early alpha development, don't expect this to be finished soon)
roblox-jumper, an AutoHotkey script to prevent idle kicks on Roblox (no idea if this is ok to use though)
exponentiation-calc, a calculator designed to find all exponents of a base number
Blinmaker-3000, a "Life of Boris" inspired calculator recreated in C# (view original here)

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