ASDASDDADS (aka qwerty enthusiast)

A really mysterious and anonymous Brazilian, yet still a good friend. I personally do not message this person on an everyday basis like some others on this list, but their hobbies and interests (usually involving technology and hardware) are still expressed every once in a while. Like centuryy, I first met this person in an old project named "EVRYTNG," but came out fruitless. The mysterious aspects of this person is most definitely not a negative thing. While some things are revealed about them throughout time, there is never a total absence - they always take a presence in the communities they participate in, including the off-brand SMTHNG server if you exclude a temporary hiatus. Other than their online presence, I'm honestly not sure what to write about them, other than that they happen to be from that South American meme country...
If you can, go subscribe to their YouTube channel and follow their Twitter. Why? Because I said so. <3
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